I'm a long time Nerd, and lately largely an Otaku. As a Christian I've become an Evangelical Unviersalist.
The Comparative Mythology I shall discus on this Blog ranges from The Bible to Ancient Classical Mythologies, to Arthurian Legend and Grail Lore, to The Inklings, to Star Wars, Video Games and Anime. But all discussion of modern/contemporary fiction shall be in the context of it's relation to more ancient archetypes, my general reviews and analysis of what I've been watching lately will stay on my main blog.
As a Christian, I do believe The Bible is right and all other Religions wrong, but that all are Saved regardless of if they're wrong. But I'm not bothered by acknowledging times Biblical Stories are similar to pagan myths, some things happen a lot in fiction because they happen a lot in real life. The key difference to me between Jesus/Yeshua and other Dying and Rising gods is that to the pagans this myth was just an allegory of the natural cycle, and the moral of myths like the Epic of Gilgamesh, Orpheus and Izanami is that we need to accept death. The Gospel is that Jesus defeated both Sin and Death and now all shall Rise Again.
One of the differences between the Old Testament and New Testament is that the Old kind of plays along with the Pagan way of thinking of the nations around Israel more. Thus little in the TNAK implies other gods don't exist, we're just forbidden to worship them. But Paul says in Corinthians that we know now various Pagan Superstitions are wrong, hence my Paganism is about what you Believe not what you Do post. However Paul did quote Greek writers like the poet Aratus, and refereed to an existing altar at Mars Hill. So that is the context in which anaylsing mythology could be useful.
And there is also plenty of stuff where I think The Bible's version came first, or is the true version. Not just Genesis 1-11, I think the fame of famous people in Israel did spread by various means, whether you agree with that being Lost Tribes relevant or not.
I may not always bring The Bible directly into what I talk about here, but it is more likely to come up then on my main blog.
This post will likely be the only post I make this Month/Year, I want to do a lot of pre-work on stuff to drop in January.
But while you wait for that. I did talk about this subject quite a big before creating a Blog specifically for it. So I'll provide you all some links for those. But know that there is plenty I've changed my mind on since I first blogged about it.
A major post on my Prophecy Blog begins addressing The Mormon Doctrine of Jesus and Lucifer being Brothers but becomes a bunch of speculations about Enki and Enlil. In some ways that's perhaps the best entry point for how I think about these things.
Any Otaku here specifically for how this ties into my Weebness, should probably look at my post Did The Lost Tribes go to Japan. I will likely soon be adding an update to it. The Lilith and Edom post is also of interest. The Nephilim also come up there, though my next post on that subject may be on the Sola Scripture Blog. And stuff on the Britannia Tag is likely to bring up Arthurian Legend and Grail Romance.
Speaking of which, my main blog has tags for both Arthurian Legend and Grail Romance. As well as one for Tolkien. And also The Amazons, but on another blog I talked about The Amazons possibly being from Dan.
The Revised Chronology blog was probably where I talked about this most, some stuff there was arguably not really about revised chronology at all. I'm kind of retiring that Blog since I may or may not be abandoning much of my Velikvoskian beliefs due to my recent speculation about Mizraim and Egypt.
The posts about Nimrod, Enmerkar, Eridu, Edom, ect, covered a lot of stuff.
The post about the theories of John R Salverda involves a lot of things I've probably changed my mind on since then, it covered a lot of ground, but a lot of that I'll be redoing in a better polished way here. My Theory about Troy I posted a few months ago I largely still stand by.
The posts about The Song of Songs bring up some interesting topics. And I also talked about The Widow's Son of freemasonry.
Last but not least, since it's December I should link to my post about Christmas and Pagan festivals linked to the Winter Solstice. Part of my defense for Jesus being born on or near December 25th.
Update: I forgot to mention my posts about The Lion King and Satan's Fall and the War in Heaven which are pretty relevant.